Titles Including a Person’s Name

Mar 13, 2024

Titles Including a Person’s Name

What is in a name? Quite a lot actually. Family names, nicknames, pen names. There are plenty of ways to fulfill this prompt. Do you like biographies? Easy. Historical books about royal families? No problem, your majesty.

If you’re interested in fiction, though, your choices may become a bit more difficult. Whether they are the main characters, love interests, or anything else, any of these titles have names that can help you fulfill the third #RogersReads Reading Challenge.

The #RogersReads Reading Challenge is an annual challenge that allows Rogers Public Library patrons to challenge themselves to read books that fulfill specific prompts for the chance to win prizes. Remember, there are plenty of books that fit these prompts that don’t appear on our lists. Feel free to make your own and let us know which ones we missed!

It’s All Greek To Me

Circe‘s popularity kickstarted an influx of books based in and around ancient Greece and Rome. Many of them even followed Circe‘s lead by using the main character’s name as a title.

Atalanta Ariadne Clytemnestra : a novel Medea : a novel

The Popular Crowd

These names have spent so much time on best seller lists recently that they may be familiar to you already. Don’t stress out about approaching this lunch table full of cool kids; they are all very accessible and on our shelves waiting for you.

A man called Ove : a novel The invisible life of Addie LaRue The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo : a novel

Daisy Jones & the Six : a novel Hamnet Shuggie Bain : a novel

First and Last

Recent publishing trend of first and last names together. Seriously Popular. Enough info to fill out a form.

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine : a novel Evvie Drake starts over : a novel The bookish life of Nina Hill

The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry : a novel The story of Arthur Truluv : a novel The curious charms of Arthur Pepper

Seriously, Look At All Of These

The love story of Missy Carmichael The brilliant life of Eudora Honeysett : a novel Get a life, Chloe Brown : a novel

Iona Iverson's rules for commuting Searching for Sylvie Lee : a novel The last story of Mina Lee

Stephen King

Many of Stephen King’s classics have simple titles, and plenty of them are names. Cujo and Christine? Perfect. Honestly, we’d even accept Doctor Sleep and It as names. We are a bunch of scaredy cats over here, so we will just take your word for it.

Carrie Mr. Mercedes : a novel Holly : a novel

Adriana Trigiani

Try to say that five times fast! It’s a lotta name for one author who makes a habit of using names in titles! (Good luck saying that too!)

Lucia, Lucia : a novel Kiss Carlo Tony's wife : a novel

Titles with…Well…Titles 

You can also search for names accompanied by titles. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Mr, Major, Doctor, Mrs, Captain, etc. If there’s a Mr, there’s probably a name to follow it. Dear me! It’s the same with addresses like “dear.”

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Major Pettigrew's last stand : a novel The daughter of Doctor Moreau : a novel

Dear Edward : a novel Dear Mrs. Bird : a novel Dear Ann : a novel

Famous Names

When you’re choosing a title with a name, it doesn’t have to be just any old John Doe. You can find plenty of books that use familiar, famous names in their titles.

The Grace Kelly dress : a novel The Audrey Hepburn estate : a novel Rodham : a novel Elvis in the morning

I was…[Insert Famous Name]

If we had a nickel for every book in our collection that followed this template, we’d only have 3 nickels. It’s not many, but it’s way more than we expected.

I was Amelia Earhart : a novel I was Anastasia : a novel I was Howard Hughes : a novel

Famous Figures

We are sure you can find plenty of biographies about Lincoln and Austen, but these fictional retellings may be a little more interesting to you. They definitely contain more vampires and space travel than the originals.

Lincoln in the bardo : a novel Abraham Lincoln : vampire hunter The impeachment of Abraham Lincoln

The Jane Austen Society The Jane Austen Project Jane Austen ruined my life

Happy Reading!

We are looking forward to a year full of challenging new reads with you! Stay tuned to our social media pages and this blog for tips to help complete these challenges and tag us with #RogersReads so we can see how you are doing!

Happy reading!

In 2024, you are searching for a…

  1. Title with only one word.
  2. Cover that is humorous (intentionally or not).
  3. Title including a person’s name.
  4. Title used by multiple authors.
  5. Book featuring a death or murder.
  6. Setting that is remote or rural.
  7. Cover featuring a bird.
  8. Book that has won an award.
  9. Story set in a library or bookstore.
  10. Book about a hobby you want to pick up.
  11. Main character who is an animal.
  12. Book published in 2024.

Ready to get started?

  1. Go to rpl.readsquared.com to create a login and password.
  2. Download the ReadSquared app if you have an iOS or Android device.
  3. Log in and enter the books you read to complete the missions starting January 1, 2024.
  4. Check your email or app regularly to be notified of prize winnings.
  5. As always, if you have any questions, contact the library.

If you complete one “mission” before the last day of each month, you will be entered to win one of our monthly prizes.

If you complete all twelve by the end of the year, you will be entered for the grand prizes we give out at the very beginning of 2025.

